The Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History calls for nominations for its 2015 John Boswell and Joan Nestle Prizes.

The John Boswell Prize is awarded for an outstanding book on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer history published in English in 2013 or 2014. Learn more at

The Joan Nestle Undergraduate Prize is awarded for an outstanding paper on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer history completed in English by an undergraduate student in 2013 or 2014. Learn more at

Students, faculty, authors, readers, editors, or publishers can nominate. Self-nominations are encouraged. For John Boswell Prize-nominated books, authors/editors should work with publishers to mail one copy to each member of the Prize Committee. Please email PDFs of Joan Nestle Undergraduate Prize submissions to each committee member with the nominee’s name in the subject line. Questions can be addressed to prize committee chair Estelle Freedman.

2015 Prize Committee:

*Dr. Estelle Freedman, Chair, Department of History, Stanford University, 450 Serra Mall, Building 200, Stanford, CA 94305-2024,

*Dr. T.J. Tallie, c/o Jennifer Ashworth, Newcomb Hall, 204 West Washington Street, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia 24450,

*Dr. Mir Yarfitz, Department of History, Wake Forest University, Tribble Hall B101, P.O. Box 7806, Winston-Salem, NC 27109,

Mailed submissions must be postmarked by 3 October 2014; emailed submissions must be postmarked by 11:59pm (Pacific time), 3 October 2014. Please note that the deadline is earlier this year than in years past.

Winners will be announced at the Committee on LGBT History’s annual reception at the 2015 American Historical Association Conference in New York City.

The Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History, an affiliated society of the American Historical Association, meets annually in conjunction with the AHA conference and sponsor LGBTQ history sessions. It advocates for LGBTQ history broadly, including the development of LGBTQ studies courses, inclusion of LGBTQ topics in history curricula, promotion of LGBTQ archival and public history projects, and coordination with other professional caucuses. The CLGBTH also seeks to prevent discrimination against LGBTQ historians, in keeping with AHA policies. Visit us at “Like” us on Facebook at:

University of North Texas Libraries, Special Collections Research Fellowship

The University of North Texas Libraries invites applications for the UNT Special Collections Research Fellowship. Research in special collections is relevant to studies in a variety of disciplines including history, journalism, political science, geography, fine art, art history and American studies. We encourage applicants to think creatively about new uses for special collections. Preference will be given to applicants that demonstrate the greatest potential for publication and the best use of special collections at UNT Libraries.

The Award:
A total of $2,000 in funding will be awarded to one or more fellowship applicants. Fellows will be required to conduct research in residence at UNT for a minimum of four days and a maximum of three months to receive the award. The fellow will be required to write a brief (under 500 words) overview of their research experience and may also be asked to present an informal lecture on their research. The Special Collections Fellowship is generously supported by the Friends of the UNT Libraries.

The Fellowship is open to faculty, graduate students and independent researchers. Any funding awarded must be used between June 1, 2014 and August 30, 2015.

Application procedure:
Applicants should demonstrate the specific relevance of UNT Special Collections to their current research through their essay and cover letter. Information on library holdings can be located through the UNT Libraries catalog, the Special Collections department website, on-line finding aids for archives and manuscript collections or by contacting the department directly.

Deadline for applications is February 15, 2014. The recipient will be notified by April 1, 2014. Please submit a completed application form along with the following materials:

1. A brief essay (3 pages maximum) describing your research interests, specific goals for research at UNT and the specific collections intended for use.
2. A brief CV (3-5 pages)
3. Brief budget for travel and lodging expenses
4. Dates to be spent in residence
5. One letter of reference indicating the significance of the proposed research.

Application materials should be submitted electronically in PDF of Microsoft Word format to:

Spring 2013 Prize Announcements

Call for Submissions—Lorde, Sprague, and Bérubé Prizes

The Committee on LGBT History announces its call for submissions for the 2014 Audre Lorde, Gregory Sprague, and Allan Bérubé Prizes. Submissions are due November 1, 2013 and honorees will be announced at the 2014 conference of the American Historical Association in Washington, D.C.

The Audre Lorde Prize recognizes an outstanding article on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer history published in English. It is awarded in even-numbered years for articles published during the previous two years (2012-2013). Learn more at

The Gregory Sprague Prize recognizes an outstanding published or unpublished paper, article, book chapter, or dissertation chapter on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer history completed in English by a graduate student. It is awarded in even-numbered years for work completed during the previous two years (2012-2013). The Gerber/Hart Library in Chicago underwrites the Sprague Prize. Learn more at

Lorde and Sprague Prize submissions for the should be sent via email to all members of the Lorde/Sprague Prize Committee:

Kevin Mumford, Professor of History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Chair):
Emily K. Hobson, Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies & History, University of Nevada, Reno:
Anita Kurimay, Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow in History, European University Institute:

The Allan Bérubé Prize recognizes outstanding work in public or community-based lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer history. It is awarded in even-numbered years, covering works from the previous two years (2012-2013). The GLBT Historical Society in San Francisco underwrites the Bérubé Prize. Learn more at

Bérubé Prize submissions for the should be sent via email to all members of the Bérubé Prize Committee:

Jill Austin, Curator, Chicago History Museum (Chair):
JD Doyle, Creator, Queer Music Heritage:
Maria-Anna Tesliou, Ph.D. candidate, School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester:

Please email a PDF of the article, paper or public history application to each member of appropriate committee with your name and the prize name in the subject line. Questions can be addressed to the committee chair.