David Serlin, Instructor
Metropolitan Studies Program, New York University, Spring 1998
Complete Course Description and Syllabus
This course will introduce students who are considering Metropolitan Studies as a major to some important questions and ideas found at the intersection of urban studies, cultural geography, and gender studies. By studying specific gendered and sexual identities, as well as the communities that people form to protect and defend those identities, we will be able to make greater sense of the complex relationships between the personal and the political in urban culture. We will ask questions such as: are gender and sexuality defining features of the urban experience? Or are they only components of a much larger and more complex set of urban identities? In what ways do the class divisions and political tensions already implicit the urban landscape exacerbate the roots of racism, sexism, and homophobia?
Students will read and respond to many different historical, sociological, and theoretical writings about a wide variety of issues related to gender, geography, and community. Some of the topics we will explore will include:
the creation and maintenance of multiple urban identities
how different communities define private, public, and semi-public spaces for men and women
the economic and political role of sexual commerce and sexual culture
patterns of recreation and consumption for gay and straight communities
health care and health education, with a special emphasis on communities forged around HIV prevention and AIDS education
and the social, political, and cultural distinctions (and parallels) between mainstream, alternative, and “queer” communities.
Course Requirements
Mandatory attendance and participation
Weekly readings (and possible reaction papers)
Occasional audio/video supplements to readings
Occasional field trips (e.g. Lesbian Herstory Archives)
Three short essays (3-5 pp)
One short midterm examination
Final projects: students will conduct individual or group projects related to ethnographies of gender, sexual identity, and urban community in the New York City area. These projects will combine primary research (oral histories, interviews, photographic studies, audio/video presentations, etc) with secondary sources (historical and theoretical source material discussed in class).
Required Reading List
Dangerous Bedfellows, eds. Policing Public Sex: Queer Politics and the Future of AIDS Activism
William Hawkeswood, One of the Children: Black Gay Men in Harlem
Gordon Brent Ingram, Anne-Marie Bouthillette, and Yolanda Retter, eds., Queers in Space: Communities, Public Places, Sites of Resistance
Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy and Madeline Davis, Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold: The History of a Lesbian Community
Kevin Mumford, Interzones: Black and White Sex Districts in New York and Chicago
Daphne Spain, Gendered Spaces
Recommended Reading List (not required but useful for reference):
Allan Bérubé, Coming Out Under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War Two
George Chauncey, Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, 1890–1940
John D’Emilio and Estelle Freedman, Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America
Lilian Faderman, Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America
Michel Foucault, History of Sexuality, Volume I
Carroll Smith-Rosenberg, Disorderly Conduct: Visions of Gender in Victorian America
Week One (January 20) : Introduction to Course
Week Two (January 26 and 28) : Identity, Culture, and Urban Space
What factors particular to the urban environment affect how we understand the gendered and sexualized aspects of cities—from the “male” terrains of the subway and X-rated commercial zones to the “female” spaces of private homes and shopping districts? These gendered and sexualized spaces have historical underpinnings—but do they still exist today?
Readings: Mark Gottdiener, Chapter 9 of The New Urban Sociology, in coursepack
Elizabeth Wilson, “Cities of the American Dream,” in coursepack
John Kasson, “Semiotics of Everyday Life,” in coursepack
Daphne Spain, Gendered Spaces, pp. 1–29
Week Three (February 2 and 4): The Gender Politics of Domestic Space
Christine Stansell, “The Origins of the Sweatshop,” in coursepack
Daphne Spain, Gendered Spaces, pp. 109–40
“Playboy’s Penthouse Apartment” (1956), in coursepack
Week Four (February 9 and 11): Public Spaces and Civic Identities
Mary Ryan, “Gender and the Geography of the Public,” in coursepack
Kathy Peiss, “The Coney Island Excursion,” in coursepack
George Chauncey, “Privacy Could Only Be Had in Public,” in coursepack
*First short paper due
Week Five (February 18): Building Lesbian and Gay Culture in the City
Are urban spaces “gay” or “straight”? Can we read spaces as “gay” and “straight”? Are “sexualized” spaces the city, such as Times Square, impermeable to people from the outside? Are there codes for knowing, understanding, or participating in these spaces: behaviors, clothing, language?
Timothy Gilfoyle, “From Soubrette Row to Show World,” in Dangerous Bedfellows, eds., Policing Public Sex
John D’Emilio, “Capitalism and Gay Identity,” in coursepack
James Polchin, “Having Something to Wear,” in Queers in Space
Presentation by James Polchin, Ph.D. Candidate in American Studies, NYU
Week Six (February 23 and 25): Commercial Spaces and Sexual Practices
selections from Kevin Mumford, Interzones: Black and White Sex Districts in New York and Chicago
Week Seven (March 2 and 4): Community Studies
selections from William Hawkeswood, One of the Children: Black Gay Men in Harlem
Week Eight (March 9 and 11): Urban, Suburban, and Rural Lives
selections from Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy and Madeline Davis, Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold
*Second short paper due
Week Nine (March 16 through 20): Spring Break!
Week Ten (March 23 and 25): Urban, Suburban, and Rural Lives, Part II
March 23: Midterm exam
March 25: selections from Kennedy and Davis, Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold
Week Eleven (March 30 and April 1): Oral Histories
This week, we will learn research strategies for conducting oral histories and discuss a range of methodologies for your final projects. We will also hear a a presentation by Carl Strange from the Hetrick-Martin Institute and take a field trip to Brooklyn to visit the Lesbian Herstory Archives
Week Twelve (April 6 and 8): The Global Queer Community
selections (TBA) from Queers in Space
Presentation by Eugene Patron, journalist, on queer community in South Beach, Miami
Week Thirteen (April 13 and 15): Transgender Communities
Annie Woodhouse, selections from Fantastic Women, in coursepack
Kate Bornstein, selections from Transgender Warrior, in coursepack screening of film, Paris is Burning
*Third short paper due
Week Fourteen (April 20 and 22): Ellen and Beyond: Queer Identity in the Commercial Marketplace
selections (TBA) from Policing Public Sex and from Queers in Space
Video presentation by Steve Capsuto, author of Alternate Channels: The Battle Over Gay, Bisexual, and Transsexual Images in Television and Radio, 1930s-1990s
Week Fifteen (April 27 and 29): Final end of semester presentations
Week Sixteen (May 4 and 6): Final end of semester presentations
If you have appropriate syllabi, please contact CLGH chair Karen Krahulik at Karen_Krahulik@brown.edu.